Why Your Residential AC Services Might Be Causing Uneven Cooling


Even after regular maintenance, some AC systems tend to produce uneven cooling. In such cases, the air conditioner may cool one part of your house more than the other, leaving you feeling uncomfortable. This post will discuss why your AC system might be causing uneven cooling and what you can do to fix it.

Clogged Air Filter:

One of the reasons why your AC unit might be causing uneven cooling is because of a dirty air filter. When an air filter is clogged with dust and debris, it restricts proper airflow, causing certain rooms to receive less cool air than others. To avoid this issue, make sure to replace your air filter regularly. If you own pets or live in a dusty area, invest in a higher-grade filter that can trap more particles.

Leaking Ducts:

Another common issue that may cause uneven cooling is a leak in your ductwork. If your ducts aren't correctly sealed, it can cause cool air to escape before it reaches the designated room. Leaks may also cause warm air to seep in, causing certain areas to feel warmer than others. To fix this issue, have a professional technician inspect and repair your ducts.

Incorrect Size AC Unit:

Installing an AC unit that's too small or too large for your home can cause uneven cooling. A unit that's undersized will struggle to cool your home, resulting in some rooms receiving less cold air. On the other hand, an oversized unit will cycle on and off too frequently, creating temperature disparities between rooms. Have a professional assessment done to ensure that the correct unit size is installed based on your home's square footage.

Poor Insulation:

If your home is poorly insulated, it may cause uneven cooling. If your home's insulation isn't up to the standards, it may cause cool air to escape through the walls and attic. This problem can cause certain rooms to feel warmer than others. Adding insulation to your home is an excellent investment that helps maximize your AC system's efficiency.

Faulty Thermostat:

A malfunctioning thermostat can also be a reason behind uneven cooling in your home. If your thermostat isn't functioning correctly, it can cause the AC system to turn off and on at the wrong times, resulting in temperature disparities. If you're experiencing this issue, consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat that's designed to work with your AC unit effectively.

Uneven cooling can be frustrating and uncomfortable, especially during the hot summer months. By addressing the causes mentioned above, you can help ensure that your AC system is functioning correctly and your home is receiving the same amount of cool air. If you still experience uneven cooling, reach out to an experienced professional technician who can further assess and repair your system. 

Contact a local company to learn more about residential AC services.


10 November 2023

Understanding HVAC Troubleshooting

When I started managing the warehouse for our business, our number one complaint was problems with the air conditioning. Everyone was always either too hot or too cold, and it was really difficult to figure out what to do. I started thinking about things and I realized that I needed to step up my game as far as HVAC troubleshooting was concerned, so I began looking into ways to make things better. This blog is all about understanding and troubleshooting HVAC problems so that you can keep your home or business cool, comfortable, and pleasant for everyone who happens to be around.